Widgets and API for gggfdft.weebly.com

Three types of widget are available for gggfdft.weebly.com - Top n, Almost Fully Committed and Almost Paid.

Instructions on how to add these widgets to your site can be found below.

iframes or the javascript widget are the simplest way to put a widget on your site, however using our API will give you the most branding options. Below you will find code that you can put on your site for using our widgets.

javascript widgets

You may add the parameter "&nocss=1" to prevent the css from loading

You may add the parameter "&tab=1" to load the widget as a tab. If you do this, you may utilize two further parameters - position (left or right, default is right) and top (css unit, default is 25%)

Enter the script tag in the head section of your html and the div where you want the widget to appear

  • Top Suggestions Widget

    <script src="https://www.co-funded.com/gggfdft.weebly.com/page/widgets/widgets?w=top&n=5&jswidget=1&tab=1&position=right&top=140px" type="text/javascript" async></script>

    <div id="co-funded-top-widget-container"></div>

    This widget is currently previewed in the tab to the right.
  • Almost Fully Committed Suggestions Widget

    <script src="https://www.co-funded.com/gggfdft.weebly.com/page/widgets?w=almostfunded&n=5&jswidget=1" type="text/javascript" async></script>

    <div id="co-funded-almostfunded-widget-container"></div>

  • Almost Paid Suggestions Widget

    <script src="https://www.co-funded.com/gggfdft.weebly.com/page/widgets?w=almostpaid&n=5&jswidget=1" type="text/javascript" async></script>

    <div id="co-funded-almostpaid-widget-container"></div>



You may wish to change the width and height of the iframe to suit your website and the suggestions listed.

  • Top n Suggestions Widget

    <iframe style='width:300px;height:400px;border:0' frameBorder='0' src='https://www.co-funded.com/gggfdft.weebly.com/page/widgets?w=top&n=5'></iframe>

  • Almost Fully Committed Suggestions Widget

    <iframe style='width:300px;height:400px;border:0' frameBorder='0' src='https://www.co-funded.com/gggfdft.weebly.com/page/widgets?w=almostfunded&n=5'></iframe>

  • Almost Paid Suggestions Widget

    <iframe style='width:300px;height:400px;border:0' frameBorder='0' src='https://www.co-funded.com/gggfdft.weebly.com/page/widgets?w=almostpaid&n=5'></iframe>



All of the widgets above can be used in API form. Simply take the same URL and add either &json=1 or &phpserialze=1 to the URL to retrieve the results as JSON or as a serialized PHP array

The Co-Funded web pages uses the API to produce the widgets in all of the sidebars (top suggestions etc)

jquery+php example